The reactance of bypass capacitor is generally taken as ……….. of Emitter resistance . A ) 1/10000n 1 , B ) 1/100 , C ) 1/10 , D ) 1/1000 ?

1 )  The reactance of bypass capacitor is generally taken as ……….. of Emitter resistance .

A )  1/10000n 1 ,

B )  1/100 ,

C )  1/10 ,

 D )  1/1000 ,

Answer: - C )  1/10 ,


2 )  If the bipolar junction transistor is biased into the linear region , it will operate as ………

A )  Amplifier .

B )  None of above .

C )  Switch .

D )  Both of above .

Answer : - A )  Amplifier .


3 )  The output of a common emitter amplifier is  -------  with input .

A  )  In phase .

B )  Out of Phase .

Answer : - B )  Out of Phase .


4 ) To alleviate the issues of gain due to temperature and bias current ,  ------  is used .

A )  Input Coupling capacitor .

B )  Emitter degeneration resistor .

C )  Load Resistor .

D )  Output coupling capacitor .

Answer : - B )  Emitter degeneration resistor .


5 )  Power gain of common emitter amplifier in comparison with common base and common collector amplifiers is ,

A )  Medium .

B )  Very High .

C )  Low .

Answer : - B )  Very High .


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