1) What do you mean by the term ‘FREEZE-OUT’? a) All the electrons are frozen at room temperature b) None of the electrons are thermally elevated to the conduction band c) All the electrons are in the conduction band d) All the holes are in the valence band

1) What do you mean by the term ‘FREEZE-OUT’?

a) All the electrons are frozen at room temperature

b) None of the electrons are thermally elevated to the conduction band

c) All the electrons are in the conduction band

d) All the holes are in the valence band

Answer:- b) None of the electrons are thermally elevated to the conduction band

2) In which of the following semiconductor, the concentration of the holes and electrons is equal?

a) Intrinsic b) Extrinsic

c) Compound d) Elemental

Answer:- a) Intrinsic

3) The junction capacitance decreases as Reverse Voltage VR

a) Increases b) Decreases

c) Remain constant d) Is Zero

Answer:- a) Increases

4) Which of the following term isn’t a part of the total current density in a semiconductor?

a) Temperature b) µ

c) e d) E

Answer:- a) Temperature

5) What does dn/dx represent?

a) Velocity gradient b) Volume gradient

c) Density gradient d) None

Answer:- c) Density gradient

6) What is the electric field when the voltage applied is 5V and the length is 100cm?

a) 0.5V/m b) 5V/m

c) 50V/m d) None

Answer:- c) 50V/m

7) In a semiconductor which of the following carries can contribute to the current?

a) Electrons b) Holes

c) Both d) None

Answer:- c) Both

8)  For which type of material, the number of free electron concentration is equal to the number of donor atoms?

a) P type semiconductor b) Metal

c) N-type semiconductor d) Insulator

Answer:- c) N-type semiconductor

9) In reverse biased, the depletion region is

a) Widened b) Narrowed

c) Remain constant

Answer:- a) Widened

10) The value of Thermal Voltage VT at 20 Centigrade is ___________?

(Where the Boltzmann’s Constant K=1.38 X10-23 J/K)

a) 0 b) 25.27 mV

c) 50.27 mV d) 75.27 mV

Answer:- b) 25.27 mV .


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