1.“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean “You seem to be well fed, though I know no one looks after you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how you manage it?” “Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at Emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.” Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement,

 1.“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean “You seem to be well fed, though I know no one looks after you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how you manage it?”

“Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at Emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.”

Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement, Sean agreed to take him along. At the orchard while Sean hurriedly collected the fruits and left, Luke on the other hand at the sight of unlimited supply of fruits was excited and lifted his voice which brought Emperor’s men immediately to his side. They seized him and mistook him as the sole cause of damage to the orchard. Although Luke reiterated that he was a bird of passage, they pounded him mercilessly before setting him free.

1) What does “bird of passage”; mean in the context of the given passage?

a) There was a bird in the orchard

b) Other people stole from the orchard

c) Emperor knew him personally

d) He did not visit orchard regularly

e)  Bird’s song alerted Emperor’s men

Answer:- d) He did not visit orchard regularly

2.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

a) Luke did not take good care of his uncle

b) Emperor was a wicked man

c) Lack of self-control had put Luke into trouble

d) Luke had a habit of speaking loudly

e) Orchards are meant for the public

Answer:- c) Lack of self-control had put Luke into trouble

3.How often did Sean visit the orchard?

a|) Daily b) Weekly

c) Every day after midnight d) Never

Answer:- c) Every day after midnight

4) Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word “Reluctant” used in the passage.

a) Against b) Resistant

c) Opposed d) Disinclined

e) None of these

Answer:- d) Disinclined

5) Why did Sean leave after collecting the fruits?

a) He feared that the bird’s song would awaken the Emperor

b) To avoid getting caught by Emperor’s men

c) He saw the Emperor’s men approaching

d) He was afraid of the dark

e) He wanted to leave Luke alone

Answer:- b) To avoid getting caught by Emperor’s men

6) A man is known by the book he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.

A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and interesting us in youth, comforting and consoling us in age.

Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the given passage?

a) Books show the reader’s character

b) Books as man’s abiding friends

c) Books are useful in the youth

d) The importance of books in old age

Answer:-b) Books as man’s abiding friends


7) Which of the following is opposite in meaning to the word ‘adversity’ occurring in the passage?

a) happiness b) prosperity

c) progress d) misfortune

Answer:- b) prosperity

8) The statement, ‘’ a good book may be among best of friends,’’ in the passage means that

a) there cannot be a better friend than a good book

b) books may be good friends, but not better than good men

c) a good book can be included among the best of friends of mankind.

d) our best friends read the same good books.

Answer:- c) a good book can be included among the best of friends of mankind.

9) According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?

a) Good books as well as good men always provide the finest company.

b) A good book never betrays us

c) We have sometimes to be patient with a book as it may bore us.

d) A good book serves as a permanent friend.

d) None of these

Answer:- c) We have sometimes to be patient with a book as it may bore us.

10) According to the passage, A man may usually be known by the books he reads because

a) His reading habits shows that he is a scholar.

b) The books he reads affect his thinking

c) Books provide him a lot of knowledge

d) His selection of books generally reveals his temperament and character

Answer:- d) His selection of books generally reveals his temperament and character

11) Select the sentence from each pair in which adjectives or adverbs are used correctly:

a) One of America's foremost playwrights, Tennessee Williams has been praised highly for his portrayals of passion and delusion.

b) One of America's foremost playwrights, Tennessee Williams has been praised highest for his portrayals of passion and delusion.

Answer:- a) One of America's foremost playwrights, Tennessee Williams has been praised highly for his portrayals of passion and delusion.

12) Select the sentence from each pair in which adjectives or adverbs are used correctly:

a) Although critics did not respond favorable to Williams's later plays, his reputation is secure.

b) Although critics did not respond favorably to Williams's later plays, his reputation is secure

Answer:- b) Although critics did not respond favorably to Williams's later plays, his reputation is secure

13) Select the sentence from each pair in which adjectives or adverbs are used correctly:

a) Among his greatest talents was his ability to make audiences feel sympathetically towards vain, self-centered characters.

b) Among his greatest talents was his ability to make audiences feel sympathetic towards vain, self-centered characters.

Answer:- b) Among his greatest talents was his ability to make audiences feel sympathetic towards vain, self-centered characters.

14) Select the sentence from each pair in which adjectives or adverbs are used correctly:

a) His most famous creation, Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire, is a particularly good example.

b) His more famous creation, Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire, is a particularly good example.

Answer:- a) His most famous creation, Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire, is a particularly good example.

15) Select the sentence from each pair in which adjectives or adverbs are used correctly:

a) Blanche behaves manipulative and neurotic, but audiences admire her strength and sensitivity.

b) Blanche behaves manipulatively and neurotically, but audiences admire her strength and sensitivity.

Answer:- a) Blanche behaves manipulative and neurotic, but audiences admire her strength and sensitivity.

16) Select the sentence from each pair in which adjectives or adverbs are used correctly:

a) When performed well, Williams's plays have the power to make us understand human nature more fully and more compassionately

b) When performed well, Williams's plays have the power to make us understand human nature fuller and more compassionate.

Answer:- a) When performed well, Williams's plays have the power to make us understand human nature more fully and more compassionately.

17) Select the sentence from each pair in which adjectives or adverbs are used correctly:

a) Streetcar is arguable the best play ever written by an American.

b) Streetcar is arguably the best play ever written by an American.

Answer:- b) Streetcar is arguably the best play ever written by an American.

18) Select the sentence from each pair in which adjectives or adverbs are used correctly:

a) In the play, the word desire is used both literal and figuratively.

b) In the play, the word desire is used both literally and figuratively.

Answer:- a) In the play, the word desire is used both literal and figuratively.

19) Select the sentence from each pair in which adjectives or adverbs are used correctly:

a) Blanche is desperately trying to flee the unfortunate truth of her past.

b) Blanche is desperate trying to flee the unfortunate truth of her past.

Answer:- a) Blanche is desperately trying to flee the unfortunate truth of her past.

20) Select the sentence from each pair in which adjectives or adverbs are used correctly:

a) Both Blanche and her sister Stella feel bad as a result of Stanley's actions.

b) Both Blanche and her sister Stella feel badly as a result of Stanley's actions

Answer:- a) Both Blanche and her sister Stella feel bad as a result of Stanley's actions.

21) Identify parts of speech in the brackets.

I saw a woman walking (along) the road.

a) Adverb b) Adjective

c) Preposition d) Conjunction

Answer:- c) Preposition

22) Identify parts of speech in the brackets.

Still waters run (deep).

a) Adverb b) Adjective

c) Preposition d )Conjunction

Answer:-  a) Adverb

23) Identify parts of speech in the brackets.

She (as well as) her sister is engaged.

a) Adverb b) Adjective

c) Preposition d) Conjunction

Answer:- d) Conjunction

24) Identify parts of speech in the brackets.

This golden ring is too (costly) to purchase.

a) Preposition

b) Adjective

c) Adverb

d) Conjunction

Answer:- b) Adjective

25) Identify parts of speech in the brackets.

I would rather die (than) beg.

a) Adverb

b) Adjective

c) Preposition

d) Conjunction

Answer:- d) Conjunction

26.Identify parts of speech in the brackets.

This politician is notorious (for) corruption.

a) Adverb

b) Adjective

c) Preposition

d) Conjunction

Answer:-  c) Preposition

27.Identify parts of speech in the brackets.

You will not get your aim in life (unless) you work hard for it.

a) Adverb

b) Adjective

c) Preposition

d) Conjunction

Answer:- d) Conjunction

28.Identify parts of speech in the brackets.

Better to be untaught than (ill-taught).

a) Adverb

b) Adjective

c) Preposition

d) Conjunction

Answer:- b) Adjective

29.Identify parts of speech in the brackets.

The hunter aimed (at) the dove.

a) Adverb

b) Adjective

c) Preposition

d) Conjunction

Answer:- c) Preposition

30.Identify parts of speech in the brackets.

It is (between) you and me.

a) Adverb

b) Adjective

c) Preposition

d) Conjunction

Answer:- c) Preposition

31.These differences between two photographs ---- with the help of Photoshop.

a) should remove

b) must have removed

c) have to remove

d) could have been removed

e) were able to remove

Answer:- d) could have been removed

32.No clinical studies ---- in this child disease research so far.

a) had completed

b) will be completed

c) have completed

d) had to complete

e) have been completed

Answer:- e) have been completed

33.The government ---- that the tasks ---- with great success.

a) is confirming / maintained

b) confirms / have been maintained

c) was confirmed / have maintained

d) will confirm / had been maintained

f) confirmed / are maintaining

Answe:- b) confirms / have been maintained

34.With this comprehensive international report, the country's position in the regional and global arena ---- with measurable criteria.

a) is to identify

b) identifies

c) will be identified

d) identified

f) is going to identify

Answer:- c) will be identified

35.If you would like to know what ---- in the project so far, you ---- the full report at our website.

a) has been completed / may be visited

b) completed / will be found

c) will be completed / should be found

d) was completed / had been found

e) has been completed / can find

Answer:- e) has been completed / can find

36.These clothes ---- for daily use so you ---- them wherever you want.

a) design / should be worn

b) will be designed / must wear

c) are designed / can wear

d) were designed / could be worn

e) designed / might be worn

Answer:- c) are designed / can wear

37.A more developed model of this car ---- in the showroom soon.

a) is going to show

b) will be shown

c) was shown

d) has been shown

e) had shown

Answer:- b) will be shown

38.Camera footage shows that illegal goods ---- into the warehouse last week.

a) are being smuggled

b) smuggled

c) are smuggled

d) were smuggled

Answer:- d) were smuggled

39.Many teachers agree that one's language skills ---- by listening to others.

a) could have improved

b) can improve

c) used to improved

d) can be improved

Answer:- d) can be improved

40.The hundreds of millions of people who live on the border of poverty ---- with the threat of starvation now.Immersive Reader

a) are faced

b) had faced

c) had been faced

d) faced

Answer:- a) are faced


Keywords :-

which of the following is opposite in meaning to the underlined word morbid , which of the following is opposite in meaning to the word 'mitigate' , which of the following is opposite in meaning to the word 'fleeting' as used in the passage , which of the following is opposite in meaning to the word 'mitigate' as used in the passage , which of the following is opposite in meaning to the word 'retained' as used in the passage , which of the following is opposite in meaning to the words given in bold as given below , which of the following is opposite in meaning to the word 'beneficial' as used in the passage , which of the following is opposite in meaning to the word shun , what are words that are opposite in meaning , choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word given arduous , choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word given synonym of accord , choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word which follows prepossessing , choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word incurred , choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word close as used in the passage , choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word given degrading , choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word given formulate , choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word low as used in the passage , choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word reluctant used in the passage , which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the southern-origin theory , which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the term weather modification , which of the following can be inferred from the passage check all of the boxes that apply , which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the savoy hotel , which of the following can be inferred from the passage about large conglomerates , which of the following can be inferred from the passage about articles manufactured before 1815 , which of the following can be inferred from the passage luke , which of the following can be inferred from the passage about inorganic fertilizers , which of the following can be inferred from the passage about rotating credit associations , bird of passage idiom sentence , bird of passage sentence , bird of passage coffee , bird of passage definition , bird of passage apush , bird of passage meaning in english , bird of passage game , bird of passage parade scarborough

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