Current in LCR circuit becomes extremely large when ………………. , A ) inductive reactance is larger than capacitance reactance . B ) Capacitance reactance is larger than inductance reactance . C ) inductive reactance and capacitance reactance are equall . D ) None of these ,


1 )   Current in LCR circuit becomes extremely large when  ………………. ,

A )  inductive  reactance is larger than capacitance reactance .

B ) Capacitance reactance is larger than inductance reactance .

C )  inductive  reactance  and capacitance reactance are equall .                         

D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : -  C )  inductive  reactance  and capacitance reactance are equall .                 


2 )   Magnitude of vectors  A , B  and C are 12 , 5  and 13 units and  A + B = C . So angle θ ?

A ) 0 degree ,                                                         B ) 90 degree ,

C ) 180  degree ,                                            D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : -    B ) 90 degree ,

Solution : -

Formula : -

(C)^2  = (A)^2+ (B)^2 + 2ABCos θ .

So ,

Ø   ( 13 )^2 =  ( 12 )^2  +  ( 5 )^2  +  2 ( 12 ) * ( 5 ) * Cos θ   ,

Ø   169 = 144 + 25 + 120 * Cos θ   ,

Ø   ( 169 – 144 – 25 ) / 120 =  Cos θ   ,

Ø   0 / 120 =  Cos θ   ,


Ø   θ = 90 degree    ,       Answer    .


3 )  Relation between resistance and radius of material : -

R = Resistance   ,   r = radius .

A )  R  α   1 / (r)^2  ,                                        B ) R  α   1 / (r)^3  ,   

C )  R  α   1 / (r)^4  ,                                         D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : -   C )  R   α    1 / (r)^4   ,


4 )   An inductor also called as a coil , choke or reactor .


5 )  The color of light emitting diode ( LED )  depends on ………………… ,

A ) Semiconductor material  ,                    B )  Conductor ,

C ) Its resistivity ,                                      D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : -      A ) Semiconductor material  ,


6 )  The bulk properties of material such as their mode of fracture can be related to their ……….. ,

A )  Cleavage  ,                                           B ) junction ,

C )  Closure ,                                              D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : -   A )  Cleavage  ,

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