1. Many people fear barracudas; ___, few instances of attacks by barracudas have been reported. A ) Despite B ) However C ) Yet D ) Though Answer:- b ) However 2. __ the difficulties you have caused, you are still invited to attend the concert with us. A ) As a matter of fact B ) First C ) For example D ) Despite Answer:- d) Despite 3. Johnny passed all sections of the graduation exam; ___, he will be able to participate in the graduation ceremonies.

1. Many people fear barracudas; ___, few instances of attacks by barracudas have been reported.

A ) Despite                   

B ) However

C ) Yet

D ) Though

Answer:-  b ) However

2. __ the difficulties you have caused, you are still invited to attend the concert with us.

A ) As a matter of fact

B ) First

C ) For example

D ) Despite

Answer:-  d) Despite

3. Johnny passed all sections of the graduation exam; ___, he will be able to participate in the graduation ceremonies.

A ) As a result

B ) Therefore

C ) Occasionally

D ) For example

Answer:-  b) Therefore

4. My mother bakes the best cakes; ___, she won first place for her chocolate surprise.

A ) However

B ) In fact

C ) Additionally

D ) Therefore

Answer:-  b) In fact

5. She was very depressed about Gary breaking up her favorite vase which her grandmother gifted her; ___, she started crying the second I mentioned about the incidence.

A ) Consequently

B ) As a result

c  ) Therefore

d ) Finally

Answer:-  c) Therefore

6. I played soccer all afternoon; ___, I forgot to complete my homework assignments.

A ) Furthermore

B ) As a result

C ) Finally

D ) Now

Answer:- b ) As a result 

7. You need to get out of bed; __ you need to take a shower and get ready for school.

A ) Furthermore

B ) Afterwards

C ) Later

D ) Than

Answer:- A ) Furthermore

8. Maleeha failed exam of Communication Skills; ___, she will have to retake it during summer school.

A ) However

B ) Therefore

C ) Consequently

D ) Finally

Answer:- B ) Therefore

9. _____ the rainy, cold weather, we practiced soccer after school.

A ) Because

b ) Of reason

c ) Despite

d ) As

Answer:-   c ) Despite

10. This television program is over; __ Mother wants you to take out the garbage and wash the dishes.

A ) Now

B ) Later

C )  Than

D ) Finally

Answer:-  A ) Now

11. ___ improve your browsing experience on our website, we use cookies and other tracking technologies.

A ) As to

B ) In order to

C )  As a result

D ) Finally

Answer:- B ) In order to

12. Ali fell ill _________ his family gave up on going out of town.

A ) Suddenly and therefore

B ) Severely and now

C ) Slowly and so

D ) closely and Immediately

Answer:- A ) Suddenly and therefore

13. _____ all opposition, two more nuclear power stations were built.

a  ) Against

b  )  Despite

c  )  Although

d  )  Of all and

Answer:- b  )  Despite

14. Dogs are generally considered loyal animal, __ cats are hated.

 a  )  Whereas

b )  However

c  )  Although

d )  Though

Answer:- a  )  Whereas

15. We are still very hungry, _____ we ate very much.

A )  Even then

B )  Even though

C ) Even still

D )  Even

Answer:- B )  Even though

16. I ____ want to earn respect, _____ make money.

A )   only, but then

B )  not only, but also

C )  not only, than

Answer:- B )  not only, but also

17.They sacked the door ____ to bring about some changes.

A )  So that

B )  In order to

C )  Finally

D )  Consequently

Answer:- B )  In order to

18. I would ____ go out ____ stay at home.

A )  Later, and

B )  Rather, than

C )  Rather, despite

D )  Rather, as so

Answer:-  B )  Rather, than

19. ____ we did all the job, they enjoyed themselves.

A )  Also

B )  Later on

C )  Whereas

D )  Despite of

Answer:-  C )  Whereas

20. They can listen to music _____ they disturb nobody.

A )  Despite

B )  Because

C )  Provided

D )  Also

Answer:- C )  Provided

21. I try very hard in college ____ I am not receiving good grades.

A )  Then

B )  Because

C )  Although

D )  Yet

Answer:- D )  Yet

22. Some people disagree with this theory, ____, its never been proven right.

A )  Than

B )  Resultantly

C ) Finally

D )  However

Answer:- D )  However

23. She seems undecided ____ to stay __ go.

A )  As, than

B ) Whether, or

C )   Neither, or

D )  Either, or

Answer:- D )  Either, or

24. _____ all the difficulties, they helped us.

A )  Than

B )  Later

C ) In spite of

D ) Against

Answer:- C ) In spite of

25. She is kind ____ she helps people.

A )  Than

B )  Now

C )  So

D )  As

Answer:- C )  So

26. A person’s intention can be just like the main theme of a belief, ____ the intention of belief will mean the intention of expressions.

A )  Because

B )  Whereas

C )  Before

D )  Now

Answer:- B )  Whereas

27. _____ I had two hours to spare for shopping, I couldn’t find the suit I wanted.

A )  As

B )  Also

C )  Even though

D )  Because

Answer:- C )  Even though

28.  My printer got broken ______ I borrowed my friend’s.

A )  As a consequence of

B )  finally

C )  Than

D ) Because

Answer:- B )  finally

29. I like swimming, _____ I don’t like getting my hair wet.

A )  but

B )  becase

C )  As

D )  so

Answer:- A )  but

30. ____ you _____ I am going to this party in order to make my mother happy.

A ) Not only, but also

B ) Not he, again

C ) Than, as

D )  Now, later

Answer:- A ) Not only, but also

31. ___ you _____ I should be informed about his project.

A ) Either, or

B )  Neither, me

C )  But, here

D )  Because, so

Answer:- A ) Either, or

32. _____ had I gone to bed ____ the doorbell rang.

A )  As soon as, because

B )  When, later

C )  Scarcely, when

D )  Nevertheless, because

Answer:- C )  Scarcely, when

33. She is the best student in school. _____,  she doesn’t do homeworks on time.

A )  Factually

B )  So

C ) However,

D )  And

Answer:- C ) However

34. I want to call him, ___ I don’t have his phone number.

A )  Despite

B )  Against

 C )  But

D )  Among

Answer:- C )  But

35. Jack is completely ____ his father.

A )  Opposite

B )  For

C )  Unlike

D ) Famous

Answer:-  C )  Unlike

36. Life has not been the same ____ I fell for you.

A )  Because

B )  As

C )  Despite

D )  Since

Answer:-  D )  Since

37. ____ they have a lot of money, they’re still not happy.

A ) But

B )  Now

C )  Although

D )  Yet

Answer:- C )  Although


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