Op - Amp can amplify ___________ . A ) AC Signals , B ) DC Signals , C ) Both of above , D ) None of above ,

1 )  Op - Amp can amplify  ___________ .

A )  AC Signals ,

B )  DC Signals ,

C )  Both of above ,

D )  None of above ,

Correct Answer : -   C )  Both of above ,


2 )  The virtual ground of an Op_amp means  ______________ ,

A )  Terminal is grounded together ,

B )  Terminal is not physically grounded but at zero voltage ,

C )  Both of above ,

D )  None of above ,

Correct Answer : -  B )  Terminal is not physically grounded but at zero voltage ,


3 )  If   R1 = R2 = RF   and  V1 = V2 = 5V ,   Then Vout is  ______________ ,

A )   5V ,

B )   -5V ,

C )   10V ,

D )   -10V ,

Correct Answer : -   D )   -10V ,


4 )   If   R1 = R2 = 0.5 RF  ,  then Vout will be  ___________  of the sum of the inputs .

A )  Half ,

B )  Equal ,

C )  Two Times ,

D )  Four Times ,

Correct Answer : -   C )  Two Times ,


5 )  The Circuit shown behave as a  _________________ .

A )  Low Pass Filter ,

B )  Band Pass Filter ,

C )  High pass Filter ,

D )  Band stop Filter ,

Correct Answer : -  C )  High pass Filter ,


6 )    Voltage gain of an ideal Op-Amp is  __________________  .

A )  Finite ,

B )  Infinite ,

C )  None of above ,

Correct Answer : -  B )  Infinite ,


7 )   If    R1 = R2 = R  ,   V1 = 10V ,   V2 = 20V  and   Vout = 90  ,  then the ratio of RF to R is ___________ .

A )  One .

B )  Two .

C )  Three .

D )  Four .

Correct Answer : -   C )  Three .


8 )    Op - amp Integrator uses  _____________ .

A )  Capacitor as feedback element ,

B )  Inductor as feedback element ,

C )  Resistor as a feedback element ,

D )  None of above ,

Correct Answer : -  A )  Capacitor as feedback element ,


9 )   The Circuit Shown behave as a  _________________ ,

A )  Low Pass Filter ,

B )  Band Pass Filter ,

C )  Highpass Filter ,

D )  Bandstop Filter ,

Correct Answer : -    A )  Low Pass Filter ,


10 )  Which is not the ideal characteristic of an op - amp ?

A )  Input Resistance --> 0  ,

B )  Output impedance --> 0  ,

C )  Bandwidth --> ∞  ,

D )  Open loop voltage gain -->∞  ,

Correct Answer : -    A )  Input Resistance --> 0  ,

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