The function which don't possess an anti - derivative is ----------------- function . A ) Circular , B ) Elementary , C ) Real , D ) Imaginary , E ) Exponential ,

 1 )   The function which don't possess an anti - derivative is  -----------------  function .

A )  Circular ,

B )  Elementary ,

C )  Real ,

D )  Imaginary ,

E )  Exponential  ,

Correct Answer : -   B )  Elementary ,


2 )   Which of the following function is a function whose square plus the square of its derivative is 1 ?

Correct Answer : -   E ,

3 )   Which of the following integral is non elementary ?

Correct Answer : -    C ,


4 )  Which of the following integral represents error function ?

Correct Answer : -     A ,


5 )   Which of the following integral denotes Sine integral function ?

Correct Answer : - E ,


6 )   The integrating factor of the following equation is  …………………..

Correct Answer : - C ,


7 )  The second term in the following general solution is zero as x tends to infinity , it is called -------------   term .

A )  Steady-state ,

B )  Transient ,

C )   Complex ,

D )   Damp ,

E )   None ,

Correct Answer : - B )  Transient ,


8 )  erf(0) = …………………..

Correct Answer : - B ,


9 )  Which of the differential equation represents an exact equation ?

Correct Answer : - A ,


10 ) The value of the following integral …………

Correct Answer : - D ,

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