If we consider same wavelength ( λ = h / mv ) of electrons and protons , then they will have ………… momentum .

 1 ) If we consider same wavelength  ( λ = h / mv ) of electrons  and protons  , then they will have ………… momentum .

A ) Same  ,                                        B ) Different  ,

C ) Can be same or different ,                     D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : -  A ) Same  ,


2 )  Diameter of atom is in range of about ………….. ( 0.1 to 0.5 nm ) .


3 )  In full wave rectifier with input frequency 50 Hz , the ripple in the output is mainly of frequency in Hz ?

A ) 50 Hz   ,                                                B ) 100 Hz  ,

C ) 150 Hz ,                                               D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : -  B ) 100 Hz  ,

Solution : -

The input A.C will be :-

In full wave rectifier , the output will be like this : -

So ,  output frequency will be double because in full wave rectifier  ( - ve ) part will changed into  ( + ve ) part . So that frequency will become 100 Hz .


4 )  K.E of photoelectrons depends on  .......................  but independent of Intensity of light .

A ) frequency ,                                  B ) Intensity ,

C ) Both ,                                          D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : - A ) frequency ,

5 )  For fluid , pressure is ………………… related to velocity .

A ) Directly ,                                              B ) Inversely ,

C ) Equally ,                                               D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : -  B ) Inversely ,


6 ) The wave front due to a point source at a finite distance from the source is …………………. ,

A ) Spherical ,                                            B ) Non – spherical ,

C ) Can be both ,                              D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : -   A ) Spherical ,


7 )  The tip of needle does not give a sharp image . it is due to ……………… ,

A ) Diffraction ,                                          B ) Polarization ,

C ) Interference ,                               D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : -  A ) Diffraction ,       

Because In this case , size of object is equall to order of wavelength .  So light ray bends .


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