If we consider 1/6 in place of 1/12 mass of carbon atom as atomic mass unit, the mass of 1 mole of substance will remains …………….

1 )  If we consider 1/6 in place of 1/12 mass of carbon atom as atomic mass unit , the mass of 1 mole of substance will remains ……………..

A ) Unchanged ,                                b ) Changed ,

C ) Both ,                                          d ) None of these .

Correct answer : -  A ) Unchanged ,


2 )  Modern atomic weight is based on ……………

A ) C-6 ,                                            b ) C-12 ,

C ) Both ,                                          d ) None of these .

Correct answer : - b ) C-12 ,


3 )  When kc is large ,  reaction will go ………… (Forward) . When kc is small , reaction will go ………………

A ) Reverse ,                                               b )  Again Forward ,

C ) Both ,                                          d ) None of these .

Correct answer : - A ) Reverse ,      


4 )  According to law of mass action, the rate of a chemical reaction is proportional to the Product of molar concentration of ……………

A ) reactants ,                                             b ) Products ,

C ) Both ,                                          d ) None of these .

Correct answer : - A ) reactants ,   


5 )   Atomic no. is discovered by Mosley in ………….…………..

A )  1911 ,                                        b ) 1912 ,

C ) 1913 ,                                          d ) None of these .

Correct answer : - C ) 1913 ,

6 )  Chemical properties of an atom depends on……….

Correct answer : -    Number of valence electrons or atomic no. 

7 )  Kc has units , if no. of reactants and products are  .............. ,  

A ) Equal ,                                        B )  Unequal ,

C ) Both of these ,                                       D ) Both of these ,

Correct Answer : -   B )  Unequal ,

8 )   For endothermic reaction to be spontaneous , temperature should be ..................... ,                                                                                                                            

A )  High ,                                         B ) Low ,

C ) Not effected by temperature ,                D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : -   A )  High ,

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