The difference of magnitudes of IB - VBE and IC - VCE characteristics is due to , A ) Early voltage . B ) Current gain . C ) Saturation current . D ) Channel Length Modulation .

1 ) The difference of magnitudes of IB - VBE and IC - VCE characteristics is due to , 
 A )  Early voltage . 
 B )  Current gain . 
 C )  Saturation current .  
 D )  Channel Length Modulation .

Answer  : -  B )  Current gain .


 2 )  In PNP transistor the charge carrier flows from the emitter to the collector when ------ ,

 supply is given to the base .

A )  Negative .

B )  Positive .

Answer : -  A )  Negative .


3 )  The non - zero slope of the curve of Collector current ( Ic ) Vs Collector - Emitter Voltage ( VBE ) is due to        -------------------- ,

A )  Early voltage .

B )  Pinch off Voltage .

C )  Saturation current .

D )  Channel Length Modulation .

Answer : - A )  Early voltage .


4 )  The curve shown in the figure is the plot of the collector current of NPN transistor as a function of     ------------ ,

A )  Collector Base voltage ( VCB ) .

B )  Collector Emitter Volatge ( VCE ) .

C )  Base Emitter Voltage  ( VBE ) .

Answer : -  C )   Base Emitter Voltage  ( VBE ) .


5 )  The following is the curve of collector current of NPN transistor as function of ……. ,

A )  Collector Emitter Voltage  ( VCE ) .

B )  Collector Base voltage ( VCB ) .

C )  Base Emitter Voltage ( VBE ) .

Answer : - A )  Collector Emitter Voltage  ( VCE ) .

Answer : - A )  Collector Emitter Voltage  ( V C E ) .

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