If 60 capacitors, each of capacitance C are connected in series and then in parallel . So what would be the ratio of Cs/Cp ?

1 ) If 60 capacitors, each of capacitance C are connected in series and then in parallel .  So what would be the ratio of Cs/Cp ?

A ) 1 ,                                               B ) 60 ,

C ) 1/60 ,                                         D ) 1/3600 ,

Correct Answer : -  D ) 1/3600 ,

Solution : -


2 ) When a capacitor is fully charged , then current  ………….  flow .

A ) will ,                                    B ) will not ,

C ) may or may not ,                        D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : -  B ) will not ,


3 ) ( Water ) ………… can not be used as dielectric in capacitor .


4 ) Some charge is given to a conductor . Then its potential remains same throughout the conductor .


5 ) The capacitance of capacitors are of ratio of 1 : 2 : 3 ,  their equivalent capacitance in parallel is greater than their equivalent capacitance in series by  60/11 .  Calculate their individual capacitance ?

A ) 0  ,                                              B ) 1 ,

C ) 2 ,                                              D ) 3  ,

Correct Answer : -   B ) 1 ,

Solution : -

Lets we have 3 capacitors : -  1C , 2C  , 3C .

And we have to find value of C .

Formula : -

For parallel : -  Cp = 1C + 2C +3C  =  6C ,

For series : -   

Ø   (1/Cs) = (1/1C) + (1/2C) + (1/3C)  ,

Ø   (1/Cs) = (11 / 6C)  ,

Ø    Cs = 6C/11   ,

So as given in question : -  their equivalent capacitance in parallel is greater than their equivalent capacitance in series by  60/11 :-

Ø     Cp =  (60/11) + Cs  ,

Ø     6C = (60/11)  +  6C/11   ,

Ø     6C =  (60 + 6C) / 11  ,

Ø     6C * 11 = 60 + 6C  ,

Ø      66C  =   60 + 6C  ,

Ø      66C - 6C   =   60 ,

Ø      60C = 60  ,

Ø       C = 1  (individual capacitance) ,  Answer .


6 ) Two capacitor of equivalent capacitance  C  ,when connected in series have net capacitance of C1  and when connected in parallel have net capacitance of C2 . What is value of C1/C2 ?

A ) 2 ,                                               B ) 4 ,

C ) 8 ,                                              D ) 12 ,

Correct Answer : -  B ) 4 ,

Solution : -

Formulas : -

For parallel : -  C1 = C + C = 2C  ,

For series : - 

Ø   (1/C2) = (1/C) + (1/C)  ,

Ø    (1/C2) = (2/C)  ,

Ø    C2 = C/2  ,

So  C1/C2  =  2C / (C/2)  =  4C / C  =  4  ,   Answer .

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