At constant pressure , if temperature of monatomic ideal gas is doubled , then average speed of an atom : - A ) increase 2 times , B ) increase √2 times , C ) increase √(2/3) times , D ) None of these ,

1 )  At constant pressure , if temperature of monatomic ideal gas is doubled , then average speed of an atom : -

A ) increase 2 times ,                              B ) increase √2 times ,

C ) increase √(2/3) times ,                       D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : -  B ) increase √2 times ,

Solution : -

Formula : -

For average speed of gas particles : -

v = √(3RT/M) .   

T = temperature , M = molecular mass , R = gas constant = 8.314 J/(mole.k)

If  Tʹ =  2T ,  So velocity will be : -

vʹ = √(3RTʹ/M) .

vʹ = √{3R(2T)/M} .

vʹ = √2*(3RT/M) .

vʹ = √2  * v .  Answer .

So velocity will be increased by under root two times .


2 ) Density of water is ………….. than ice .

A ) greater ,                                     B ) smaller ,

C ) same ,                                                D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : - A ) greater ,


3 ) What is molecular formula for a compound , whose molecular mass is 26 and empirical formula is CH ?

A ) CH2 ,                                          B ) C2H2 ,

C ) C2H ,                                         D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : -  B ) C2H2 ,

Solution : -

Formula : -

Oxidation no. = molecular mass / empirical mass  ,

molecular mass  = 26 , empirical mass = 12 + 1 = 13 .

So ,

Oxidation no. = 26 / 13  = 2  ,

So , molecular formula : - C2H2 .


4 ) Chloroform molecules links together by ……… ,

A ) dipole – dipole forces ,                      B ) hydrogen bonding ,

C ) London dispersion ,                   D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : -  A ) dipole – dipole forces ,


5 ) AgCl does not readily dissociate in water to form ions .


6 ) Formula for nitrous oxide : -

A ) N2O ,                                         B ) N2O3 ,

C ) NO2 ,                                         D ) NO3,,

Correct Answer : -  A ) N2O ,


7 ) Paramagnetic nature of O2 is explained by ……… ,

A ) VSEPR ,                                     B ) molecular orbital theory ,

C ) VBT ,                                          D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : - B ) molecular orbital theory ,

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