1 ) Which one is not a correct variable type in C++ ? A ) float , B ) int , C ) real , D ) double ,

1 )  Which one is not a correct variable type in C++ ?

A )  float ,

B )  int ,

C )  real ,

D ) double ,

Correct answers : -   C )  real ,


2 ) Which operation is used as Logical 'AND' : -

A )  Operator-& ,

B )  Operator-&& ,

C )  Operator-|| ,

D ) Operator + ,

Correct answers : -  B )  Operator-&& ,


3 )  The break statement is required in the default case of a switch selection structure to exit the structure properly .

A )  True ,

B )  False ,

Correct answers : -  B )  False ,


4 ) Default constructor has ______   arguments .

A ) No argument ,

B ) One argument ,

C ) Two Argument ,

D ) None of the above ,

Correct answers : -  A ) No argument ,


5 )  What will be the output of this program ?

Note : -  Includes all required header files

using namespace std;

int max(int p, int q )


return ( p > q ? p : q );


int main()

{ int x = 25;

int y = 50;

cout << max(x, y );

return 0;


Single choice.

A )  25 ,

B )  either 25 or 50 ,

C )  50 ,

D )  None of the above ,

Correct answers : -  C )  50 ,



6 )  An array can store many different types of values .

A )  True ,

B )  False ,

Correct answers : -   B )  False ,


7 )  What is size of void in bytes ?

A )  0 ,

B )  2 ,

C )  1 ,

D )  4 ,

Correct answers : -   A )  0 ,


8 )  Which of the following is not a type of constructor ?

A )  Copy constructor ,

B )  Friend constructor ,

C )  Default constructor ,

D )  Parameterized constructor ,

Correct answers : -   B )  Friend constructor ,


9 ) The output of this code is ?

class base









cout<<"BDest ";



class derived: public base




 { cout<<"DCon ";



{ cout<<"DDest ";



 int main()


 derived object;

 return 0;


Single choice.

A )   Dcon DDest ,

B )   Dcon DDest BCon BDest ,

C )   BCon DCon BDes DDest ,

D )  BCon DCon DDest BDest ,

Correct answers : -   D )  BCon DCon DDest BDest ,


10 )  How are many minimum numbers of functions need to be presented in c++ ?

A )  0 ,

B )  1 ,

C )  2 ,

D )  3 ,

Correct answers : -   B )  1 ,


11 ) Predict the output : -  

Float  x= 3.1496;

cout << setprecision(2) << x;

 Single choice.

A )  3.14  ,

B )   3.15  ,

C )   3 ,

D )  3.1  ,

Correct answers : -  D )  3.1  ,


12 )  The  _______  program combines the output of the compiler with various library functions to produce an executable image .

A )  compiler ,

B )  loader ,

C )  linker ,

D )  debugger ,

Correct answers : -  C )  linker ,


13 )    ______  operators have lower precedence to relational and arithmetic operators .

A )  Conditional ,

B )  Boolean ,

C )  Logical ,

D )  Relational ,

Correct answers : -   D )  Relational ,


14 )  What is the scope of the variable declared in the user - defined function ?

A )  Whole program ,

B )  Only inside the {} block ,

C )  The main function  ,

D )  None of the above ,

Correct answers : -   B )  Only inside the {} block ,


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