1 ) Four resistors A , B , C and D form Wheatstone bridge is balanced when C = 100 ohm . If A and b are interchanged , the balances for C = 121 ohm , the value of D is ?

1 ) Four resistors A , B , C and D form  Wheatstone bridge is balanced when C = 100 ohm . If A and b are interchanged , the balances for C = 121 ohm , the value of D is ?

A )  100 ohm ,                                          B ) 110 ohm ,   

C )  121 ohm ,                                          D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : -     B ) 110 ohm ,   

2 ) The substance which undergoes plastic deformation until it breaks is called . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ductile substances ) .


3 ) A step up transformer  , increases voltage and decreases  current , whereas a stepdown transformer decreases voltage and increases current .   


4 )   We have formula that : -

t = n T(1/2).   

So ,  n = no. of half lives ,

T( 1/2 ) =  half lives  ,


5 ) A block weighting 40 kg extend a spring by 0.16 m from its position .  What is value of k ?

A ) 1250   N / m   ,                           B ) 2450   N / m   ,

C ) 4250   N / m   ,                           D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : -  B ) 2450   N / m    ,

Solution : -

Formula : -

F = k x ,

k = f / x = mg / x = (40 x 9.8 ) / 0.16 ,

k = 2450   N / m   ,   Answer .


6 ) Alpha particles are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ionized helium atoms ) .


7 ) We can hear sound around the corner but cannot see because of diffraction but diffraction light waves around the corner is not noticeable .


8 ) Which is constant for satellite in orbit : -

A )  kinetic energy ,                                 B ) momentum ,

C ) acceleration ,                                             D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : -  A )  kinetic energy ,

Kinetic energy is constant throughout the satellite in motion .

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