1 ) Isobars means compounds having same no. of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : - A ) protons , B ) neutrons , C ) both , D ) None of these .

1 ) Isobars means compounds having same no. of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   : -

A ) protons ,                             B ) neutrons ,

C ) both ,                                 D ) None of these .

Correct answer : -  C ) both , 

Isobars : -    same no. of ( protons + neutrons ) .

Isotones : -   same no. of neutrons .

Isotopes : -   same no. of protons .


2 ) Speed of sound in hot is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cold .

A ) greater than ,                B ) smaller than ,

C ) equal to ,                             D ) None of these .

Correct answer : -  A ) greater than ,


3 ) When an electron is in excited state , return to ground state , so what type of electromagnetic radiations are produced ?

A ) alpha ,                            B ) beta ,

C ) gamma ,                        D ) All of these .

Correct answer : - C ) gamma , 

Alpha : - They are He - nuclie praticals , not radiations .

Beta : - They are electrons . They are beta radiations , not an electromagnetic radiations .

Gamma : - Gamma rays are Electromagnetic radiations , so re - excite , it produces electromagnetic waves .

But atom emits x - rays , not r - rays .

r - rays are emitted by nucleus . Although X - rays and r - rays both are electromagnetic rays .


4 ) In a nucleic reactions , is it possible to transform an element into another ?

A ) Yes ,                                                B ) No ,

C ) may or may not ,                        D ) None of these .

Correct answer : -  A ) Yes , 

Yes we can transform an element into another as parent to daughter .


5 ) If a material has super conducting property at temperature T1 and T2 , Then T1 and T2 are less than some . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

A ) absolute temperature ,              B ) critical temperature ,

C ) zero temperature  ,                    D ) None of these .

Correct answer : -  B ) critical temperature ,


6 ) According to Faraday , electric field lines go from . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ,

A ) negative to positive  ,               B ) positive to negative , 

C ) positive to positive  ,                D ) None of these .

Correct answer : -  B ) positive to negative , 

Now go to online quiz section and Physics Quiz 10 is uploaded related to these mcqs  , so check your preparation by this link : -

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