1 ) Which formula is used to find bandwidth ( B.W ) of MOSFET from Bode plot ? ( fl = lower cutoff frequency , fu = upper cutoff frequency ) Choose single option from these : - A ) B . W = 2fl , B ) B . W = fl + fu , C ) B . W = fu – fl , D ) B . W = 2fu ,

1 )   Which formula is used to find bandwidth ( B.W )  of MOSFET from Bode plot ?

( fl = lower cutoff frequency  ,  fu = upper cutoff frequency )

Choose single option from these : -

A )   B . W = 2fl   ,

B )   B . W = fl + fu  ,

C )   B . W = fu – fl  ,

D )   B . W =  2fu  ,

Correct Answer : -   C )   B . W = fu – fl  ,


2 )   Which of the circuit diagram is correct for CS amplifier ?

Choose single option from these : -

A )   b ,

B )   a ,

Correct Answer : -  B )   a ,


3 )   For bode plot ,   X - axis is calibrated in . . . . . . . . ,

Choose single option from these : -

A )  Frequency in linear scale ,

B )  Output voltage in logarithmic scale ,

C )  Input voltage in linear scale ,

D )  Frequency in logarithmic scale ,

Correct Answer : -   D )  Frequency in logarithmic scale ,


4 )   If input time varying signal with frequency of 1 kHz is applied at amplifiers input .  What minimum time need to set in Transient analysis dialogue box to view at least one cycle ?

Choose single option from these : -

A )   0.001 s  ,

B )   0.01 s  ,

C )   0.0001 s  ,

Correct Answer : -  A )   0.001 s  ,


5 )  At high frequency which capacitance Come into action to reduce gain of amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

Choose single option from these : -

A )  Coupling capacitance ,

B )  Parasitic capacitance of MOSFET ,

C )  Bypass capacitance ,

Correct Answer : -  B )  Parasitic capacitance of MOSFET ,

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