1 ) Which probe is connected to device not on wire ? Choose the correct option from following : - A ) Power ( Wattage ) , B ) Voltage ( Voltmeter ) , C ) Current ( Ammeter ) , D ) All ,

1 )  Which probe is connected to device not on wire ?

Choose the correct option from following : -

A )   Power ( Wattage )  ,

B )   Voltage ( Voltmeter ) ,

C )   Current ( Ammeter )  ,

D )   All  ,

Correct Answer : -   A )   Power ( Wattage )  ,


2 )   Key A in variable resistor is used to  . . . . . . . . . . ,

Choose the correct option from following : -

A )   Increment the value of resistor by specified value ,

B )   decrement the value of resistor by specified value ,

C )   Both ,

D )   None  ,

Correct Answer : -   A )   Increment the value of resistor by specified value ,


3 )  Which of the following mode does not display graphs when probe is connected to a point in circuit ?

Choose the correct option from following : -

A )  Interactive ,

B )  DC sweep ,

C )  AC sweep ,

D )  All ,

Correct Answer : -  A )  Interactive ,


4 )  10 % of 100ohm is . . . . . . . ?

Choose the correct option from following : -

A )  10 ,

B )  0.1 ,

C )  1 ,

D )  10.1 ,

Correct Answer : -  A )  10 ,


5 )  To study VI characteristic curve of zener diode , DC sweep start and stop values should be in . . . . . . . . . . . ,

Choose the correct option from following : -

A )  Reverse bias region only ,

B )  Forward bias region only ,

C )  Both reverse and forward bias regions ,

Correct Answer : -   C )  Both reverse and forward bias regions ,

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