1 ) Which pass connect Dir with Chitral . . . . . . . . . . . , A ) Babusar Pass , B ) Lawari pass , C ) Shundur pass , D ) Gomal pass ,

1 ) Which pass connect Dir with Chitral . . . . . . . . . . . ,

Choose single option from these following : -

A ) Babusar Pass ,

B ) Lawari pass ,

C ) Shundur pass ,

D ) Gomal pass ,

Correct Answer : -  B ) Lawari pass ,


2 )  When was the Indus Water Basin Treaty signed . . . . . . . . . . . ,

Choose single option from these following : -

A ) 1959 ,

B ) 1960 ,

C ) 1991 ,

D ) 1972 ,

Correct Answer : -  B ) 1960 ,


3 ) President Ayub introduced which policy in economic sector . . . . . . . . . . . . :

Choose single option from these following : -

A )  Nationalization ,

B )  Industrialization ,

C )  Denationalization ,

D )  Non of above ,

Correct Answer : -  B )  Industrialization ,


4 )  The first phase of Foreign policy of Pakistan is called . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

Choose single option from these following : -

A )  Neutral ,

B )  Alignments ,

C )  Bilateralism ,

D )  None of Above ,

Correct Answer : -  A )  Neutral ,


5 ) A  U-Turn came in foreign policy of Pakistan after the world launched war against terrorism in . . . . . . . . . . ,

Choose single option from these following : -

A )  2001 ,

B )  2002 ,

C )  2003 ,

D )  2004 ,

Correct Answer : -  A )  2001 ,


6 )  Which of the following acts of Ayub Khan were fiercely opposed by religious groups in Pakistan ?

Choose single option from these following : -

A ) Educational reforms ,

B ) Introduction of family laws ,

C ) Violation of fundamental rights ,

D ) Rigging in 1965 presidential election ,

Correct Answer : -  B ) Introduction of family laws ,


7 )  Khanpur Dam is on . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

Choose single option from these following : -

A )  River Neelum ,

B )  River Haro ,

C )  River Hangu ,

D )  River Sindh ,

Correct Answer : -  B )  River Haro ,

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