In rare medium [e.g. air], the velocity of light is………..

1 )   In rare medium [ e.g. air ] , the velocity of light is ………..

a) Greater       b) Smaller            c) normal              d) none of these

The correct option is : -     a )  Greater .

2 )   In denser medium [ e.g.  glass ] , the velocity of light is ……..... 

a) Greater            b) Smaller            c) No change in velocity of light

d) none of these

The correct option is : - b ) Smaller .

Because speed of light depends on  the refractive index of the medium . And the refractive index is the opposition to the flow of  light . So which medium have higher refractive index , so its speed will be greater . { More refractive index , lesser will be its speed } .

The refractive index of any of the denser medium is greater than 1 and vacuum has almost zero refractive index . So that speed of light is maximum in air than denser medium.

And we have formula for refractive index : -

As we know that the speed of light in vacuum is approximately ( 3 x 10 ^ 8 m/s) . The reason behind this large value is that vacuum has no density , while glass are denser than vacuum. And vacuum has nil refractive index . 

3 )  Angle btw linear acceleration and angular acceleration is ………………. ,

A ) 0 degree ,                                            B ) 90 degree ,

C ) 180 degree ,                              D ) None of these ,

Correct Answer : - B ) 90 degree ,

Because in a nonuniform circular motion, we have two tyes of acceleration ; linear and angular acceleration . Angular acceleration is a axial vector which is perpendicular to the plane of  motion and linear acceleration is in the plane of a motion . Hence, the linear and angular acceleration have angle of 90 degree .

One more concept  that the angular acceleration and linear acceleration are directly proportional to each other . So greater the value of angular acceleration , the larger will be the linear acceleration  and vice versa .

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Keywords :-

The velocity of light is , The velocity of light is maximum ,

The velocity of light is greater than that of the sound ,

The velocity of light is different in different media ,

The velocity of light is equals to ,  The velocity of light is written as ,

The velocity of light is calculated with the following formula ,

Physics , ultrajobz , class 12 , class 12th , nust entry test mcqs , undergraduate entry test mcqs , pieas entry test mcqs ,

If velocity of light in a medium depends on ,

In denser medium , the velocity of light is ,

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What is the relationship between angular and linear acceleration

What is the angle between angular and linear acceleration

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Get linear acceleration from angular acceleration

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