How to take input from user in matlab?

Taking input from user in matlab : -
Example Program : -


clear all

close all

w = input ( 'width (cm) = ' ) ;   % Taking input from user

l = input ( 'length (cm) = ' ) ;

A = l * w ;

disp ( [ 'Calculation Of Circle' ] )

disp ( [ '*********************' ] )

disp ( [ 'width (cm) = ' , num2str(w) ] )

disp ( [ 'leagth (cm) = ' , num2str(l) ] )

disp ( [ 'Area (cm2) = ' , num2str(A) ] )

Output : -

Taking Alphabetic input from user in matlab , We will use string 's' : -
Example Program : -


clear all

close all

w = input ( 'width (cm) = ' ) ;   % Taking input from user

l = input ( 'length (cm) = ' ) ;

z = input ( 'What u want to do? ' , 's') ; % Taking alphabetic input from user , we we will use 's'=(string)

A = l * w ;

disp ( [ 'Calculation Of Circle' ] )

disp ( [ '*********************' ] )

disp ( [ 'width (cm) = ' , num2str(w) ] )

disp ( [ 'leagth (cm) = ' , num2str(l) ] )

disp ( [ 'Area (cm2) = ' , num2str(A) ] )

Output : -


Keywords :-

·         How to take input from user in matlab ,

·         How to take input from user in matlab  gui,

·         How to take matrix input from user in matlab ,

·         How to take input vector from user in matlab ,

·         How to take input function in matlab ,

·         How to take input string from user in matlab ,

·         How to take input string in matlab ,

·         How to get input from user in matlab,

·         matlab programming , ultrajobz ,

·         How to take user input in matlab ,

·         What is input () function

·         Input MATLAB Function

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