Showing posts from March, 2022Show All
1. What are program-visible registers?
How to take input from user in matlab?
3 ) Given the same matrix m = [ 1 2 3 ; 2 1 5 ; 4 6 4 ; 2 3 2 ] , create matrix n with rows sorted in a descending order of elements in the second column .
How to sort rows and columns in MATLAB ?
1.12. Consider the discrete-time signal . Determine the values of the integers M and n0 so that x[n] may be expressed as: x[n] = u[Mn- no].
1.9. Determine whether or not each of the following signals is periodic. If a signal is periodic, specify its fundamental period.
1.3. Determine the values of P x and Ex for each of the following signals:  part (d , e , f)
1.3. Determine the values of P x and Ex for each of the following signals: (a) x 1 (t) = e- 21 u(t) ,  (b) x2(t) = e.j(:21+1T/4)  ,  (c) x3(t) = cos(t)
1.5. Let x(t) be a signal with x(t) = 0 fort < 3. For each signal given below, determine the values oft for which it is guaranteed to be zero. (a) x(l - t)  ,  (b) x(l - t) + x(2- t)  ,  (c) x(l - t)x(2 - t)  ,  (d) x(3t)  ,  (e) x(t/3)
1.4. Let x[n] be a signal with x[n] = 0 for n < -2 and n > 4. For each signal given below, determine the values of n for which it is guaranteed to be zero.  (a) x[n - 3] ,  (b) x[n + 4]  ,  (c) x[- n]  ,  (d) x[ -n + 2]  ,  (e) x[ -n- 2]
Write an expression using unit step functions for the waveform in Figure 5–6
Use MATLAB Command to make partial fractions of following